Clause of purpose at the beginning of the sentence

Instead of saying:
“I’ll take my umbrella so that I won’t get”,
I say:
“So that I won’t get, I’ll take my umbrella”.

Is the sentence “So that I won’t get, I’ll take my umbrella” correct in grammer?

Have the clause of purpose ever been at the beginning of the sentence?

Many thanks

Van Khanh Tran Dinh

Hello dear

Get is a transitive verb. It means it needs an object to give complete meaning to the sentence. See below, please.

" I will take an umbrella so that I will not get water all over my new dress."

You cannot start a sentence with so that. You may use in order to, instead.

1- In order to save my new shirt from rain water, I will take an umbrella.


Hi Van Khanh Tran Dinh

I think the main problem with your sentence(s) is that you forgot the word wet.

Otherwise, I think your sentence is fine both ways.


Hi all,
Yes, Amy. I totally agree with you.

I would like to add that "get wet " also means one has urin on him self.


Hi baraa

Urine on himself? :shock: That meaning for “get wet” isn’t included on my list of possibilities. And certainly not in the context of the sentence.

Were you thinking of “wet oneself” maybe?


Hi Amy,
I wrote what I thought was correct. I already know get wet means get water on somebody. Also a one time I heard on a show when they were talking about boys and girls up to 5 years that children get wet on them-self. So if I was not correct, I am always willing to know what’s right because English is not my-mother language.

From native speaker, we benefit :wink:

Amy, it is an eye-opener for me! :shock: Can we really start our sentence with So that?

1- So that she won’t cry, I will put her to sleep.
2- So that I do not forget her birthday, I keep my diary with me.

Do you agree??


Hi Tom 8)

Isn’t it obvious that I agree? :lol:
That wouldn’t be the most common sentence order, but I don’t know any reason not to do it - especially if you want to stress the reason for doing something.

Why? Does Mr. Swan disagree with me? :wink:
