But I will in about 10 years.

What does it mean:
But I will in about 10 years.
from:TOEIC listening part III, set 3, exercise 2
Thanks a lot.

It’s taken out of context.
Can you post a link to the exercise where you heard it? There must be another sentence that precedes this sentence.

For example, we can put it into a cotext thus:
I don’t own a car now, but I will in about ten years = but I will own a car in about ten years.

Here you are, Our Tort system:
You don’t need your money right away, do you?
— No, not immediately. But I will in about 10 years.

What do you think now?

I don’t need my money immediately (right now) but I will (need it - i.e. my money) in about ten years’ time.