BIG CDs by Edusoftech

Hey guys…

I purchased this BIG CD from Edusoftech. They have CBT with 10 practice tests and another Cd call CAT which has 5 computer adaptive test. Maan it sooo hard… Is the real GRE this hard??? Is there anyone who is using this BIG CD?
My socres arent that good in this… but Barrond and PP scores are okay.

Sri Lanka

The real thing isn’t that hard. Of course, that assumes you’re prepared for it.

The Powerprep and Princeton Review tests are most like the real thing, so take those too.

Hey thanks for the reply

Hi Radika!

Have you already compared you purchased CD tests(bigcdstests) with those on the web site (10 free tests) ? I wonder whether they are much more difficult than on the web?

Thanks a lot,
Best regards,

hi radika,
is the expalnations are also provided in the CD you have bought, because in the site they only tell you whethere your answers are rite or wrong.

Yes the explanations are there in the CD