Behaviour after wedding ceremony

one little question I do have. What would be proper to say when a man and woman after the wedding ceremony get in to hotel room and usually the man grab the lady and say> finally we are all alone? this is my idea from my languge. but what would it be in English ? did get the idea ? please reply as soon as possible

Are you about to be married? If you only have sex on your mind, then go ahead and grab her and say ‘finally we are all alone’. It it were I/me, however, I would ask her what kind of champagne she would like me to order from room service.

i do not know the axact one, but here i would like to try my best " the wonderfull meeting between the two persons in opposite gender after the wedding ceremony is done we usualy call it first night in the heaven".

I think I said “Oh God, my feet hurt. Thank God I can take these shoes off.”