Hi Everybody,
How are you? I couldn’t be here for a little while, but I’m back again, if you don’t mind.
I’m kinda busy lately, 'cause I made my life harder a little.
I wanna be a cook (stop laughing,please), so I go to school beside work.
Actually it’s not myself I want to talk about,but Slovakia, and the draft beer they have there. I spent two days in Sturovo about a month ago,and drank a jug of beer whenever I had a chance.(You guessed right, I was drinking constantly for two days)
It’s a nice place, people are nice, the food’s even better, (cheap too) , but there is nothing on Earth could beat that beer they have, (I can’t tell the name of it though, it means Golden Pheasant in their language,you guys probably know it anyway )
Michael, I’m sorry you didn’t win the match two days ago, that was the first football game I saw through from the beginning to the end (I mean, in my whole life,that’s something,isn’t it), but it didn’t bring too much of luck I guess. Don’t worry, we’ve never even signed up, filled an application form, or ask anyone to let us be a part of the game.
I have to go, it was nice writing to you guys again, I’m trying to keep in touch from now on,
Hello Spencer welcome back. When you become a good cook, will you cook meals for our forum users? I can create an online shopping system that allows you to select from a virtual menu and you will have to prepare the meals our users are ordering. That a good idea?
You like beer and food, don’t you? How often have you been in Slovakia and where exactly is Sturovo? Don’t you have your own beer in Hungary ;-)?
And what language did you speak in Slovakia? Do you understand Slovakian?
Hi Spence!
Happy to read from you again and wishing you good success for becoming a cook. 8)
It doesn?t matter that Germany lost the semi-final because only few German thought that the German team would reach it itselfs. And think about, the German beated Argentina, what was a really great successs. 8) And also the Italian Soccerers had been better that evening. Nevertheless, it was great match and the German people (including me) are looking towards a great future after seeing such a good team. So there is no problem that possibly you were the little matter for loosing that game! The next time you may look what you want, the German don?t loose at the next world championship. :lol:
Once again, I?m happy to hear from you again.
Hi Spencer
So nice to see you again! And with such momentous news! “Spencer, the cook”! Wow! Come on, tell us about your cooking classes! What kinds of culinary delights are you able to cook up now? How long will you be taking these classes?
Hi Guys,
so you’re not scared of the fact that I want to be a cook?
I appreciate your trust in me,and I swear I won’t let you down
It will take one year, I’m going to start the school in September, but I started it actually at a restaurant already, where my best friend works as a cook. Whenever I have time I go there,and help them. In the one year I have to collect a lot of working hours as well, (they provide places to go, but those places aren’t so good, they don’t teach you,rather take advantage on you as a robot,if you know what I mean)
so I’ll have the most of this hours by the time the school startes,therefore I can focus on the books I have to know back and forth.
By the way, I just prepared something for dinner,and because I oversalted it a bit,I had to eat something else. The good news in that is I’ve learnt my lesson well, 'cause I’ll never forget the pain I felt when I realised what happened.
When you spent two hours on some good food,and sit down to enjoy it finally,and throw the whole darn thing out at once, man, that’s a way of learning,trust me.
Because I still don’t know the magic of quoting, I’ll answer to these questions about Slovakia without any reference, as usual
I’ve only been there once, so not THAT often, I’d say, but it’ll change, 'cause I loved it.
We do have beers of our own, I like some of them,and we have a lot of imported beers from all over, and I myself drank a lot of kind of beer wherever I went abroad, but those guys know something, it’s really THAT good.
Not to mention the price a half a littre of draft beer (at the beach) is about less than a half Euro!!!
Sturovo is at the border of Hungary, there is only a bridge above the Duna you have to drive through.
I didn’t have to speak Slovakian (I could live with it,'cause I don’t know how to ) because everybody spoke Hungarian. Even the cops spoke Hungarian, when someone stole my bag at the beach, and I had to go to the police to report it, 'cause all the papers of my car were in that bag.(Along with my favourite knife, and my clothes as well)
It was kind of funny when I arrived to the police station with my wife,half naked (I mean I was half naked) bold, tatooed guy walking into the station with two cops, people must’ve wondering where the cuffs are from my hands.
Believe it,or not, when we went back to the beach we found all my stuff given to the reception, with all of my papers, keys, clothes, even my knife was in the bag too. The only thing stayed missing was my cellphone. I never thought I could be happy if someone steal my mobil, but I was. It would’ve been a nice trip to get all the papers back again, so who cares that cellphone,right?
I didn’t like it anyway.
About that global take out idea, I like it, but let’s give a litle time to me, unless you really hungry, or eventhough.
Take care
Hi spencer!
I’d just like to say that I like reading your witty posts.
P.S. In the context of your topic and my learning English :
a cook
Each time when I need to use it to mention person’s role, I think how illogical it is in English. I know a Swede man in his 50s (residing in the UK) who can, doing barbeque, say
‘I’m a cooker today’ – proudly
Hi Tamara,
I’m happy you like my posts, thank you.
About learning English from my writing, I’m not sure you should take me seriously too much, I mean sometimes I just write something that doesn’t make sence at all.
About your posts, I can’t believe you’re not a native speaker, but you mentioned that your dog moved to England, and I’m too clever to call this event a coincidence.
Hey, I’m just trying to be even wittier,since you made me look up this word in my dictionary.
See, I’ve learnt a new word!
I hope I can use it soon, before I forget it
See You
Hi Spencer
“Witty” is definitely one word you shouldn’t forget since you are that.
I have seen Russian women who sew for a living list their occupation as sewer! I rolled over laughing the first time I saw that.
Another funny mistake is when the person cooking mispronounces the word cook and says, “I’m a kook.”
That word cooker is a little hard to use anyway. In North America it is practically unknown in its British usage, and we call that big thing (maybe in Europe it’s not so big) a stove. For us, a cooker is something that does one specialized cooking job, usually by itself. It would be something like a rice cooker, a hotdog cooker, etc.
By the way, I always found that in Slovakia the Slovaks apologize for their beer, and if they really want to provide good beer to a guest they buy Czech beer. That struck me as a little strange.
You might be right,the best beer I drank in Slovakia was the Czech Budweiser. It’s like a thouroghly different thing than the American Bud.
Sometimes I consider them (Czech and Slovak) both the same, 'cause they had been one country when I was young.
Czech beer might be even better, that’s right.
Hi Jamie (K) and thanks for kook. Really funny!
By the way, ship’s cook in Russian is кок (pronounced as [kok]).
Hi spencer!
Lots of thanks for your joke, it’s charming and humorous indeed. And witty (just to remind )
And many thanks for the compliment How could I learn English without fishing for compliments to it, as it is, and what would I do without fair words about me generally?
P.S. In the context of my continued reading your post (with great pleasure!) and my continued learning English (it depends
) :
My school teacher of English was so strict about using ‘double negation’ that up to now I am afraid to use more than one negative forms in one sentence at all – even when they don’t create classic ‘double negative’ and despite sometimes I hear something like ‘nothing does not matter’ or (classic ) intensification like “We don’t need no education”. (Pink Floyd).
Tamara, I like best the Russian word for hairdresser. It’s really the German word for wig maker.
Don’t feel bad about your phobia about using double negatives. I used to ask my American students what they heard in other people’s speech that irritated them most, and they almost universally responded “double negatives”. It’s taken as a sign of poor education and low culture, although before grammarians started to tamper with the language in the 19th century, people of all social classes and educational levels used them.
Hi Jamie (K)
wig maker, парикмахер, yes It came to Russia(n) from German in those old days when Russian Tsar was impressed by European culture so much that his courtiers were forced (by a royal decree) to wear wigs (парик, Per?cke) instead of their natural long hair.
Per?cke–machen - парик–махер = парикмахер
Let me note here, that in Russian ep = er , literally.
And, in fact, one of the rule used for denomination of people’s role and professions is the same as -er used in English. Logical !
Hi Jamie, I can see why you were laughing but then again, my dictionary says that a sewer can be a drainage pipe as well as one who sews. So how do I do know sewer is not a profession?
We were taught in elementary school that Peter the Great had a Western suit hung on the gate of every town and ordered men to have them made. We were also taught that he ordered all the men to shave.
I used to think it funny when I read the newspaper are read that the Soviet police had arrested someone for “hooliganism”. It sounded to me as if they had arrested him just for being a jerk. On second thought, that may be possible in some countries.
I tried to continue the discussion with more Russian words, but for some reason the discussion board will take Cyrillic writing from you, but not from me. I wonder why.
The word sewer is seldom used to mean a person who sews, and it would be used even more seldom in writing, because it can so easily be confused with the word for the sewage drainage pipe. Using sewer as a term for someone who sews also sounds a bit low colloquial, as if it were made up on the fly by someone who didn’t know the normal words for that profession.
It’s similar to drawer. The retractable box meaning is so dominant that it’s very rare to hear it used to mean a person who draws. In the latter meaning, it also sounds low colloquial.
Hmm, then we should notify the guys over at leo.org as they claim that sewer is a profession.
So, what do American say then when they refer to the profession, is it seamstress or sempstress?
Hi Slava
“Seamstress” would definitely be a more commonly used word than “sewer” to speak of a profession. To be honest, I’d never heard the word “sempstress” before.
A more general term is “garment worker” (which I don’t find in Leo at all :shock:).
Hey Everybody,
I’m not sure if anyone’s interested, but I’ve learned something important from this book of mine.
Did you know, if you making a soup, (beefsoup, whatever) and you want the meat to absorve better into the water, you have to put it into the water when it’s still cold, and warm it up to the boiling point while the meat has been in the water already? Otherwise the hot water blocks those cells in the meat (don’t ask me what kind of cells exactly, cells in the meat,that’s it) therefore the meat itself stays more valuble. (More stuff stays in the meat, but the water doesn’t change that much.)
I hope you didn’t mind my off-topic interruption, but since I saw this little trick in this book, I couldn’t resist to tell everybody I’ve met, and the strange thing in it is :noone knew about it.
All right, I go back to read.
Does the word absorve exist? I meant something like melting, and this word popped up somehow. It’s not in my dicionary but it makes some sense in my head.
I told you not to tell me new words, now I’m making up my own language
Good night