Because accounts receivable is a use of your company's cash, close attention should be paid to the ..... receivables; when you find that they are greater than your sales terms, the first step in analyzing your problem is to age your accounts receivable by multiples of your terms.

Because accounts receivable is a use of your company's cash, close attention should be paid to the ..... receivables; when you find that they are greater than your sales terms, the first step in analyzing your problem is to age your accounts receivable by multiples of your terms. (*) charged (*) current (*) days (*) debts

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at,because-accounts-receivable-is-a-use-of-your-companys-cash-close-attention-should-be-paid-to-the-___-receivables-when-you-find-that-they-are-greater-than-your-sales-terms-the-first-step-in-analyzing-your-problem-is-to-age-your-accounts-receivable-by-multiples-of-your-terms/