"as ~ as" structure

“Her good moods are as infectious as her bad ones are contaminating.”

  1. I think “as ~ as” structure needs two equivalent things. What are they in the sentence? Does the sentence simply mean, her good moods are infectious and her bad moods are contaminating, both her moods are influential as much?

  2. I think of three sentences in which two equivalent things are easy to find.
    a) Her good moods are as infectious as her bad ones.
    b) Her good moods are infectious as much as her bad ones are contaminating.
    c) Her good moods are infectious as well as her bad ones are contaminating.
    Are they possible?

  3. Which sounds good?
    a) It is as windy today as it was yesterday.
    b) It is as windy today as yesterday.
    c) Today it is as windy as it was yesterday.
    d) Today it is as windy as yesterday.

Thank you.

  1. Yes, both her moods are equally influential. If there were a way to measure how influential these moods were, they were be equal.

  2. letter c) does not make sense. Try this. Her good moods are infectious. Her bad ones are just as contaminating.

  3. I think all options sounds fine.