Hi Alan! I must admit that I read youe new article attentively! But I don’t understand youer position. Are you assured that women’s place is only in a kitchen. You think that women must only bear childrens and cook meal. Is it so? I agree that now men cannot bear children , but scientists invent the way, wich will enable men to bear children.
Tell me your position, please
Hi Alan! I must admit that I read youe new article attentively! But I don’t understand youer position. Are you assured that women’s place is only in a kitchen. You think that women must only bear childrens and cook meal. Is it so? I agree that now men cannot bear children , but scientists invent the way, wich will enable men to bear children.
Tell me your position, please
logician 8)[/quote
Hi logician! I do agree with you! I by chance saw interesting site. There was pregnant man under control of doctors and scientists. I don’t now exactly if it is joke or truth? I don’t remember the address of this site. I remember only that it were in America and pregnant man was from Korea.
My congratulations to all women and this pregnant man( if it is not joke).
pupil :lol:
I think you have misunderstood me - I believe in equality for both sexes. The example I gave was of people who are sexist - that is they believe that one sex is superior to another. THAT IS NOT MY BELIEF!!