Answer to this question pleeease!

Here is the passage:

Art is a wide field containing many types. Some of the main categories are literature, music and painting. Each of these categories can be divided into sub-categories. Literature, for example, consists of prose, poetry and drama. However, all works of art, no matter which category they belong to, have something in common. They all have form and content. Moreover, any artist, no matter what type of art he creates, must think about both of these concepts when he works to create his art.
Form means the shape or the outward physical appearance of something. This shape is made from the materials the artist uses. He puts these materials together in some way. For example, in literature, the materials are words. They can be put together in the form of a poem, a play, a novel or a short story. In painting, the colours used by the artist are his materials, which he puts into the picture in a balanced and pleasing way. In music, the material to work with is the notes. These can be arranged to form a symphony which is a long piece for a full-sized orchestra, or perhaps in a quartet. All in all, form is like a container; it gives a work of art a recognizable shape or appearance.

The question is:
There is an indication in the passage that art is a universal experience. What is this indication?

Please any one give me the answer, If anyone has an idea?