an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher sa

Hello Kitosdad. Thanks for reviewing my work.

If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

If I were running a business and were asked to hire either an experienced worker at a higher salary or an inexperienced one at a lower salary, I would definitely go with the latter. My reasons and examples listed below will strengthen my point of view.

In the first place, hiring an inexperienced person can be more advantageous than hiring an experienced applicant. Although I agree with the downside of training an inexperienced employee, I also believe that it can be beneficial for my company. This is because during the academic studies, an inexperienced applicant has spent more than sixteen hours sitting in the class and studying. Therefore, the training will not be boring for him any more. In fact, a fresher wants to prove his abilities and talents. He needs to improve his knowledge in order to shine and get a better position. However, an experienced person is not as flexible as an inexperienced person is. He may find the training sessions boring. He may also not like my organization policies. Every company follows certain rules and regulation in order to increase the productivity and performance. What if an experienced person ignores to follow the rules? For example, what if his previous boss has allowed him to use yahoo messenger or other social websites while working, but I will not? As a result, this can create a problem for my company.

Loyalty is another advantage of choosing an inexperienced employee. A fresher is seeking to get a better position, improving his knowledge, building his skills for the next job, and making the most (out) of the practical experience. Therefore, there are more chances that he will work for my company compared to an experienced person. To my way of thinking, an experienced person is so proud of himself, and he thinks that due to his knowledge and amount of experience, he is able to ask for more amounts of money within a short period of time. Therefore, he will be quitting the job, if I am not able to fulfill his desires.

To wrap up, I would like to hire an inexperienced employee at lower salary due to his loyalty and flexibility.

TOEFL listening lectures: A lecture from an arts class (2)

Hello Kitosdad. Thanks for reviewing my work.

If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

If I were running a business and were asked to hire either an experienced worker at a higher salary or an inexperienced one at a lower salary, I would definitely go with the latter. My reasons and examples listed below will strengthen my point of view.

In the first place, hiring an inexperienced person can be more advantageous than hiring an experienced applicant. Although I agree with the downside of training an inexperienced employee, I also believe that it can be beneficial for my company. This is because during the academic studies, an inexperienced applicant has spent more than sixteen hours sitting in the class and studying. Therefore, the training will not be boring for him any more. In fact, a fresher wants to prove his abilities and talents. He needs to improve his knowledge in order to shine and get a better position. However, an experienced person is not as flexible as an inexperienced person. He may find the training sessions boring. He may also not like my organization policies. Every company follows certain rules and regulation in order to increase the productivity and performance. What if an experienced person ignores to follow the rules? For example, what if his previous boss has allowed him to use Yahoo messenger or other social websites while working, but I will not? As a result, this can create a problem for my company.

Loyalty is another advantage of choosing an inexperienced employee. A fresher is seeking to get a better position, improving his knowledge, building his skills for the next job, and making the most (out) of the practical experience. Therefore, there are more chances that he will work for my company compared to an experienced person. To my way of thinking, an experienced person is so proud of himself, and he thinks that due to his knowledge and amount of experience, he is able to ask for a raise in salary within a short period of time. Therefore, he will be quitting the job, if I am not able to fulfil his desires.

To conclude, I would prefer to hire an inexperienced employee at lower salary due to his loyalty and flexibility.

Nice work Leenda.

Kitos. 9/10