alliance of vs. alliance consisting of

Hello everyone.
I’d like to ask which of the following sentences is correct and good-sounding:

  1. All the rights belong to the alliance of Company XXX, Company YYY and Company ZZZ.

  2. All the rights belong to the alliance consisting of Company XXX, Company YYY and Company ZZZ.

What’s the context, KLPNO? Are you referring to copyrighted material? Is the sentence supposed to be part of a legal text?

Amy, the context is as follows:
In one of the former Soviet Union republics there is a gas field. And an alliance of 3 Companies has the right for this field. The text itself is not a legal document, it’s a thesis written by a student.


I guess I’d prefer sentence 2. However, I’d probably choose to say either ‘all of the rights’ or ‘all rights’, and even though it’s not a legal text, I’d still be happier if ‘rights’ were a bit more specific.

Hi Amy
Thank you very much again!