Advertisement slogans?

Hello everybody,

In his current newsletter Alan refers to a popular phrase — «Have a break, have a Kit Kat». I’m sure you also know a lot of advertisement slogans. We could play a little game: You tell us the slogan — we have to find its company or product. Let me start with a company we all know, we use their products and services every day. It’s a very powerful company, some people say it’s just too powerful. Interestingly enough, not many people that company’s slogan which is «Where do you want to go today?» ™ The company registered that phrase as one of their trademarks so no other company can use it for marketing purposes.
Now, what company are we talking about here?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Testing electronics[YSaerTTEW443543]

Microsoft to Drop Its “Where Do you Want to Go Today?” Campaign

GATESVILLE, WA /DenounceNewswire/ – December 13, 1996 – Microsoft Corporation announced today that it was dropping its “Where Do You Want To Go Today?” ad campaign, calling it “wildly successful,” but perhaps a little “too successful.”

Months ago, Microsoft’s Corporate offices began receiving over 770,000 letters, postcards, faxes, and email that contained brief messages, sometimes only one word in length. Puzzled, a Microsoft office manager turned the documents over to a private investigator to find out what was going on. “The messages were basically place names, like ‘Chicago’, ‘the corner of Fourth and Elm,’ ‘Egypt’, ‘Tahiti’, ‘Anywhere but Redmond,’ ‘Ulaan Baator’, and so on,” said the puzzled office manager.

The discovery came recently as the mystery spilled over to Microsoft’s 800-number phone lines, with people calling in at any hour of the day or night with a brief statement and then hanging up. Operators, with the assistance of local law enforcement, managed to trace some of the calls and reach the mystery callers.

“I was just answering their own question,” said one caller, who asked to be identified, begged to be identified, even offered to pay to be identified. “Microsoft asked me where I wanted to go today, so I told them.”

Apparently, so did hundreds of thousands of others as well.

“We meant it as a rhetorical device,” said Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft. “But, evidently people took us literally. That’s nothing new, really. They’ve been believing our claims and hype for years.”

Asked what Microsoft will do now, after it drops its popular slogan, Gates replied, “Well, you can bet we won’t be doing ‘Who Do You Want To Be Today?’ any time soon.” ©

:smiley: :shock: :smiley: :shock: :smiley: I’m proud to own a mac …

there’s another slogan - in fact written in german - but I hope you will like my translation:

Remember, Sir : Sternburg Beer!

Do you know this brand?

Another one is very special, I don’t know even if it’s proper English. It is part of a new summer campaign published by a popular german science magazine.

God save the Spleen!

Hi Naufragis,

So yes you got that right — Microsoft is no longer using their slogan because it is too long. Among the many suggested alternatives were also these two:

«Where do you want Microsoft to go?»

«You can’t get there from here.»

As for your Sternberg beer slogan, maybe the Reudnitz brewery will like it, simply send them an email to find out what they think. Also, the word «spleen» is proper English, it can be an organ as well as an eccentricity.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Vehicles in line[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Naufragis,

You might want to be interested in this.
Marketing research has been done to find out the cultural differences in beer advertising in the UK, the Netherlands and Germany. Here is the result:

«In the UK, the use of humour in advertising is a long standing tradition, and is also dominant in beer advertising, with 88% using this feature. This result supports the claim claim, that the majority of British beer advertising uses humour to sell its product. In Germany, beer is not directly associated with humorous advertising, and only 10% of the sample used humour. In the Netherlands humour was more frequent, however it was less dominant (33%).»

That means that the German beer consumers have the least developed sense of humour. I can certainly attest to that. What do you think about this question?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: People with suitcases[YSaerTTEW443543]

dear torsten,

humour is not a question of drinking beer or not or where… but a question of a certain amount of beer. :wink:
so your one and only chance to bear this boring spots is to drink and switch off.

german advertising campaigns are plainly the lack of humour.
sticky and dry …


You are right, German advertising is rather dry and technical and I think this is a reflection of German mentality…[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: With the pilots[YSaerTTEW443543]

better of advertisement directors’ mentality…

that’s why being unsmiling is regarded as serious in germany.