A newbee who came to learn english

Hi there!!!

A big hello to all the members of the forum.

I am from India, you can call me DRAGON. :wink:

Wants to Improve my written & Communication skills,

expects tons of support from all your happening people.


Most welcome. But your English seems quite good.

:stuck_out_tongue: Hi!
My name is Hang. Iโ€™m Vietnamese and now, Iโ€™m studying at Foreign Trade University. Making friends is my liking.Moreover, Iโ€™m learning English, too and want to improve my E. Nice to be your friend! :smiley:
As soon as you receive my message, please reply to me;
Looking forward to hearing from U!

Hello Dragon!
As I know, India was consisting of GB for long time and I always thought, that everyone can speak in E fluently in India. For example, we were together with Russia more than 70 years, and most of people in our country speak in Russia very good and itโ€™s as our second language.